

Contingency comes in many forms in our software. As noted, we triplicate almost everything so we can tolerate loss of any one flight computer, sensor, actuator, etc. on Falcon, and any 2 on Dragon. At a system-level, Falcon and Dragon are designed so that loss of things like engines are thrusters can be tolerated, and our algorithms compensate. We can also add certain contingencies to our state machines. For example, the Dragon state machine is designed to autonomously switch from approach to a breakout if certain failures are observed. – Jeff (” I run Flight Software and Cybersecurity at SpaceX”)

网友T.J. Tarazevits在stackexchange上提到

The triple redundancy gives the system radiation tolerance without the need for expensive rad hardened components. 


Most flight control systems are triple redundant for reliability (“triplex”). The use of rad hard components is not needed for a suborbital FCS system like that used on Falcon rockets as the flight control is not exposed to enough radiation over a long enough period to induce a fault in the processor, bus, etc. System that are on-orbit or used for deep space control would generally use rad hard silicon on insulator or silicon on sapphire processors like the hardened PowerPC.


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