









“Each generation can only accomplish the tasks of its time.”

“Zhuoru, each generation can only accomplish the tasks of its time,” said Li Hefei(a.k.a. Li Hongzhang) to the young Liang Rengong(a.k.a Zhuoru or Liang Qichao), implying that he would do his work as a “paste-up worker,” while the younger generation should handle their own tasks well.

This dialogue is from a scene in the TV series “Towards the Republic.” When Li Hongzhang was governing Guangdong, Liang Qichao went to visit him. Liang presented Li with three strategies, subtly advising him to adopt the top strategy, which was to establish independence in the two provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi and become President. Li chose the third strategy, accepting the order to return to the capital and clean up the mess left after the Empress Dowager’s westward escape. The meeting and dialogue in the TV series are likely fictional. However, the three strategies mentioned by Liang Rengong in the “Biography of Li Hongzhang” are clearly outlined:

“At that time, those advising Li Hongzhang said: To establish independence in the two provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi and introduce a new political system to Asia is the top strategy; to lead troops northward to support the emperor and suppress the Boxers, thus apologizing to the nations, is the middle strategy; to accept the order to enter the capital, risking his life, and inevitably becoming a target for the conservative party, is the bottom strategy.”

In the TV series, Liang Qichao himself played the role of the adviser to Li Hongzhang.

The “Biography of Li Hongzhang” provides a profound and incisive analysis and evaluation of Li. Li is described as a “pure minister” and a “mediocre minister,” barely even a “powerful minister.” Li’s foundation of cognition was Confucianism, which “when deeply ingrained in the human heart, naturally eliminates the domineering and arrogant spirit, binding it within the norms of Confucianism.” The biography also mentions an anecdote, providing a glimpse into his character:

“The greatest regret of Li Hongzhang’s life was that he never held a literary office. During the 1898 Imperial Examination in Beijing, he was certain he would achieve it, but he did not. Even though he was one of the ministers reviewing the exam papers, he was never assigned the role, which made him quite resentful. Despite his outstanding contributions, he remained deeply attached to this. This shows how deeply the poison of the imperial examination system had penetrated.”

Cognition is the foundation of action, and actions often cannot transcend the boundaries set by one’s cognition. Li Hongzhang likely had self-awareness; he could not accept the unconventional act of “establishing independence” in his heart, let alone act upon it.

Each generation has its own modes of cognition and behavior. What seems inconceivable to one generation may seem perfectly normal to the next. Everything must be left to time; rushing is futile. But one should not give up the effort. “Do not take this lightly, everyone.” In the historical rapids, if one generation cannot navigate through, the next or subsequent generations should continue striving, raising their sails and rowing forward.



  1. 劳劳车马未离鞍,


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