
星舰StarShip测试版本SN11在大雾天气中点火起飞,升空过程正常。5分多钟后,SpaceX的直播视频中断,镜头停留在星舰内部摄像机对准Raptor引擎的画面上。SN11应该是在空中解体了,YouTube上NASASpaceflight和Everyday Astronaut的直播中,看到有碎片掉落。

Credit: Elon Musk

Elon Musk随后在Twitter上表示,貌似2号引擎升空时就出现问题,且在着陆时没有达到正常工作压力。(‘Looks like engine 2 had issues on ascent & didn’t reach operating chamber pressure during landing burn, but, in theory, it wasn’t needed. Something significant happened shortly after landing burn start. Should know what it was once we can examine the bits later today.’)

他随即又提到,SN15会有大幅改进,改进包括了对出现问题的解决。(‘SN15 rolls to launch pad in a few days. It has hundreds of design improvements across structures, avionics/software & engine. Hopefully, one of those improvements covers this problem. If not, then retrofit will add a few more days.’)

4月5日,Elon Musk进一步澄清了故障原因:上升阶段、转换为水平姿态、下落过程的控制都挺好。一丢丢甲烷泄露导致2号引擎起火,相关电路损坏,引发了引擎甲烷涡轮泵的强行着陆点火。这个问题正在得到彻底解决。(Ascent phase, transition to horizontal & control during free fall were good.A (relatively) small CH4 leak led to fire on engine 2 & fried part of avionics, causing hard start attempting landing burn in CH4 turbopump.This is getting fixed 6 ways to Sunday.)

Credit: Elon Musk


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