Mapping the Brain,建立脑内神经元全连接图谱

Google Research近日提到,在其从事连接组学(Connectomics,一门研究神经元之间连接模式的科学,旨在揭示大脑功能和行为的基础)研究十年之后,其实才刚刚开始。展望未来,谷歌研究团队与哈佛大学及其他机构的合作伙伴正在努力绘制小鼠海马体的图谱,海马体是大脑中与学习和记忆相关的部分。了解多种生物的大脑是如何连接的,可以帮助研究人员更好地理解阿尔茨海默病等神经系统疾病,并回答诸如记忆如何形成等基本问题。


Connectomics, mapping the Brain, Google Research

相关视频(视频内容总结由Google Gemini生成)如下:

Mapping the Brain with AI, Google Research






This video talks about a connectome, which is a map of all the connections between nerve cells in an organism. The speaker of the video, a researcher from Google Research, discusses the challenges of creating a connectome and the potential benefits of having one.

The video starts by explaining how difficult it is to understand the brain. Even though there are many neurobiologists studying the brain, we still have a poor understanding of how it works. Connectomics is a field of study that aims to create a connectome of an organism. The first connectome was created of a worm called C. elegans, which has only 300 neurons. It took researchers 10 years to create this connectome, and this discouraged researchers from creating connectomes of more complex organisms for many years.

Recent technological advancements have made it possible to create connectomes of more complex organisms. The speaker discusses the process of creating a connectome of a fruit fly brain. This process involves taking high-resolution pictures of slices of the brain using electron microscopes. These pictures are then stitched together to create a 3D image of the brain. Then, software is used to trace the connections between the neurons in the brain.

The speaker also discusses the challenges of creating a connectome of a mouse brain. A mouse brain is 1,000 times larger than a fruit fly brain, and it is much more complex. However, a mouse brain is still much smaller than a human brain. The speaker believes that if we can create a connectome of a mouse brain, we will be able to learn so much about how brains work that we will not need to create a connectome of a human brain.

The video concludes by discussing the potential benefits of connectomes. The speaker believes that connectomes will help us to understand how memories are formed and how to recognize mental disorders. In order to create connectomes, we need to continue to develop new technologies.


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