
60分钟频道的纪录片Future Technology | 60 Minutes Marathon,看到一张列出核聚变领域商业公司Logo的图片。

Commercial companies on fusion energy.
Source: Future Technology | 60 Minutes Marathon


  1. Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS):从麻省理工学院分出来的公司(Spinout),旨在开发和商业化聚变能源。他们正在开发SPARC项目,这是一个使用高温超导体的小型高场托卡马克。
  2. General Fusion:一家加拿大公司,正在开发磁化目标聚变(MTF)技术。他们专注于使用液态金属衬里中的等离子体目标来创造实用且具有商业可行性的聚变能源。
  3. Avalanche Energy:一家致力于微型聚变反应堆的公司,目标是创建便携且可扩展的聚变能源解决方案。
  4. MIFTI (Magneto-Inertial Fusion Technologies, Inc.):开发一种称为分级Z-压缩的技术,结合磁约束和惯性约束聚变方法。
  5. TAE Technologies:前身为Tri Alpha Energy,专注于使用场反转配置(FRC)等离子体的非中子聚变,旨在实现更清洁的聚变,产生较少的中子。
  6. Zap Energy:开发剪切流稳定Z-压缩聚变技术,这种技术比传统的托卡马克更简单且潜在成本更低。
  7. NK (NewKinisi):公开信息不多,可能涉及创新能源技术或与聚变相关的研究。
  8. SHINE Technologies:专门生产使用聚变相关技术的医用同位素。他们使用粒子加速器生成中子以生产同位素。
  9. Renaissance Fusion:一家欧洲聚变初创公司,开发下一代磁约束聚变技术,注重实用性和可扩展性。
  10. Princeton Stellarators:可能致力于星设计(Stellarator),这是一种以稳态运行而闻名的磁约束聚变装置。
  11. Helion Energy:开发结合磁约束和惯性约束的聚变引擎,目标是提供一种小型、低成本的脉冲聚变系统解决方案。
  12. HB11 Energy:专注于使用高功率激光实现氢-硼(HB11)聚变,在不需要极端温度的情况下实现核聚变。
  13. Xcimer Energy Company:公开信息不多,可能涉及激光驱动的聚变技术。
  14. Electric Fusion Systems:开发新的磁约束聚变方法及相关技术。
  15. EX-Fusion:一家日本初创公司,开发以创新约束和等离子体技术为重点的聚变反应堆。
  16. Focused Energy:使用先进的激光和目标技术实现惯性约束聚变,专注于实用且可扩展的解决方案。
  17. Type One Energy:开发星聚变(Stellarator)技术,提供比托卡马克更稳定且持续的聚变反应。
  18. First Light Fusion:使用弹丸驱动的惯性约束聚变,高速弹丸压缩聚变燃料。
  19. Rhea Fusion:可能参与先进的磁约束聚变技术,但具体细节较少。
  20. Marvel Fusion:开发激光驱动的惯性约束聚变技术,专注于商业可行性。
  21. LPP Fusion:专注于高密度等离子体聚焦聚变技术,目标是使用p-B11燃料实现非中子聚变。
  22. Fuse:公开信息不多,可能涉及创新的聚变能源技术。
  23. Tokamak Energy:开发紧凑型球形托卡马克和高温超导磁体,以实现实用且具有商业可行性的聚变能源。
  24. Near Star Fusion:开发一种创新的磁惯性聚变方法,旨在结合磁约束和惯性约束的优势。
  25. Horne Technologies:可能开发聚变反应堆的支持技术,但具体细节较少。
  26. nTao:一家初创公司,致力于下一代聚变技术,重点是创新的约束方法。
  27. Stellarator Technologies (StellarX):开发星聚变(Stellarator)技术,以提供连续且稳定的聚变能源。
  28. Helicity Space:开发基于太空应用的聚变能源技术,可能专注于推进或电力系统。


  1. Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS): An MIT spinout aiming to develop and commercialize fusion energy. They are working on the SPARC project, a compact, high-field tokamak that uses high-temperature superconductors.
  2. General Fusion: A Canadian company developing Magnetized Target Fusion (MTF) technology. They focus on creating practical and commercially viable fusion energy using a plasma target within a liquid metal liner.
  3. Avalanche Energy: A company working on micro-fusion reactors. They aim to create portable and scalable fusion energy solutions.
  4. MIFTI (Magneto-Inertial Fusion Technologies, Inc.): Developing an approach called Staged Z-pinch, combining magnetic and inertial confinement fusion methods.
  5. TAE Technologies: Formerly known as Tri Alpha Energy, they focus on aneutronic fusion using field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasmas, aiming for cleaner fusion with fewer neutrons.
  6. Zap Energy: Working on sheared-flow stabilized Z-pinch fusion technology, which is simpler and potentially more cost-effective than traditional tokamaks.
  7. NK (NewKinisi): Not much publicly available information, likely involved in innovative energy technologies or fusion-related research.
  8. SHINE Technologies: Specializes in producing medical isotopes using fusion-related technology. They use a particle accelerator to generate neutrons for isotope production.
  9. Renaissance Fusion: A European fusion startup developing next-generation magnetic confinement fusion technologies with a focus on practicality and scalability.
  10. Princeton Stellarators: Likely working on stellarator designs, which are a type of magnetic confinement fusion device known for their steady-state operation.
  11. Helion Energy: Developing a fusion engine that combines magnetic and inertial confinement. They aim for a small, low-cost solution with pulsed fusion systems.
  12. HB11 Energy: Focuses on hydrogen-boron (HB11) fusion using high-powered lasers to achieve nuclear fusion without the need for extreme temperatures.
  13. Xcimer Energy Company: Not much publicly available information, likely involved in laser-driven fusion technologies.
  14. Electric Fusion Systems: Developing new approaches to magnetic confinement fusion and associated technologies.
  15. EX-Fusion: A Japanese startup developing fusion reactors with a focus on innovative confinement and plasma technologies.
  16. Focused Energy: Using advanced laser and target technologies to achieve inertial confinement fusion with a focus on practical and scalable solutions.
  17. Type One Energy: Working on stellarator fusion technology to provide a more stable and continuous fusion reaction compared to tokamaks.
  18. First Light Fusion: Using projectile-driven inertial confinement fusion, where a high-velocity projectile compresses the fusion fuel.
  19. Rhea Fusion: Likely involved in advanced magnetic confinement fusion technologies, though specific details are sparse.
  20. Marvel Fusion: Developing laser-driven inertial confinement fusion technologies with a focus on commercial viability.
  21. LPP Fusion: Focuses on dense plasma focus fusion technology, aiming for aneutronic fusion with p-B11 fuel.
  22. Fuse: Not much publicly available information, likely involved in innovative fusion energy technologies.
  23. Tokamak Energy: Developing compact spherical tokamaks and high-temperature superconducting magnets to achieve practical and commercially viable fusion energy.
  24. Near Star Fusion: Working on an innovative approach to magneto-inertial fusion, aiming to combine the advantages of magnetic and inertial confinement.
  25. Horne Technologies: Likely involved in developing supporting technologies for fusion reactors, though specific details are sparse.
  26. nTao: A startup working on next-generation fusion technology with a focus on innovative confinement methods.
  27. Stellarator Technologies (StellarX): Working on stellarator fusion technology to provide continuous and stable fusion energy.
  28. Helicity Space: Developing space-based applications for fusion energy technologies, likely focusing on propulsion or power systems.

This list provides a snapshot of the diverse approaches and innovations being pursued in the field of fusion energy, highlighting the vibrant and rapidly evolving nature of this sector.


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