打开Youtube,看到Northrop Grumman投放的商业广告,宣传内容是B-21 Raider轰炸机。广告链接到Northrop Grumman公司网站上的B-21 Raider页面。

当然,B-21 Raider只是广告内容载体,这个载体比较能够吸引眼球,主要目的应该还是Northrop Grumman的公司宣传以及品牌的宣传。
I just opened YouTube and saw a commercial from Northrop Grumman promoting the B-21 Raider bomber. The ad linked to the B-21 Raider page on Northrop Grumman’s website.
It’s a bit odd that such a significant military strategic asset was being advertised. Moreover, the aircraft is still in testing, yet they’ve already begun commercial promotion?
Good explanation is that the B-21 Raider is just the content vehicle for the ad, as it’s something that easily grabs attention. The main objective is likely to promote Northrop Grumman as a company and enhance its brand visibility.