Subsonic, supersonic, and hypersonic

The differences between subsonic, supersonic, and hypersonic speeds are as follows:

  1. Subsonic:
    • Definition: Speeds less than the speed of sound.
    • Speed Range: Typically below 767 miles per hour (approximately 1235 kilometers per hour), which is below Mach 1.
    • Characteristics: In the subsonic range, airflow is stable, and aerodynamic design is relatively simple. Common examples include commercial airplanes and some military aircraft.
  2. Supersonic:
    • Definition: Speeds greater than the speed of sound but less than five times the speed of sound.
    • Speed Range: From Mach 1 (1235 kilometers per hour) to Mach 5 (6174 kilometers per hour).
    • Characteristics: In the supersonic range, airflow becomes complex, forming shock waves and aerodynamic heating phenomena. Common examples include fighter jets and some experimental aircraft.
  3. Hypersonic:
    • Definition: Speeds greater than five times the speed of sound.
    • Speed Range: Above Mach 5 (6174 kilometers per hour).
    • Characteristics: In the hypersonic range, aerodynamic heating and chemical reactions become significant, requiring extremely high material and design standards. Common examples include missiles, re-entry vehicles, and some advanced aerospace projects.

These speed classifications are crucial for aerospace engineering, aircraft design, and fluid dynamics research.


  1. 亚音速(Subsonic)
    • 定义:物体的速度小于音速。
    • 速度范围:通常低于每小时767英里(约1235公里每小时),即1马赫以下。
    • 特点:在亚音速范围内,气流是稳定的,气动设计相对简单,常见于民用飞机和一些军用飞机。
  2. 超音速(Supersonic)
    • 定义:物体的速度大于音速但小于五倍音速。
    • 速度范围:从1马赫(1235公里每小时)到5马赫(6174公里每小时)。
    • 特点:在超音速范围内,气流变得复杂,形成冲击波和气动加热现象,常见于战斗机和一些实验性飞行器。
  3. 高超音速(Hypersonic)
    • 定义:物体的速度大于五倍音速。
    • 速度范围:超过5马赫(6174公里每小时)。
    • 特点:在高超音速范围内,气动加热和化学反应变得显著,材料和设计要求极高,常见于导弹、再入飞行器和一些先进的航空航天项目。



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