今天凌晨双子座(Gemini)流星雨来的时候,Google的大模型Gemini Pro上线,并与Google Bard集成。
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
— Nikola Tesla (1856 – 1943)

在Bard里问了一下是否是特斯拉说的。把X上的帖子截了图,在Bard里上传,输入Prompts: Had Tesla ever said this?——提问兼具图文,也算是测试一下多模态。
Yes, Nikola Tesla is indeed quoted as saying, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” The quote is widely attributed to him and appears in many places, including books, articles, and websites about Tesla.
The specific source of the quote is less certain. Some sources attribute it to a 1920 interview with Tesla, while others say it comes from one of his letters or lectures. The exact wording of the quote may also vary slightly depending on the source.
However, there is no doubt that the quote expresses a central theme in Tesla’s thinking. He was fascinated by the nature of energy and its role in the universe. He believed that understanding energy, frequency, and vibration was key to unlocking the secrets of the cosmos.
Tesla’s work on electromagnetism and wireless communication helped to lay the foundation for modern technology. His ideas about energy and vibration continue to inspire scientists and engineers today.
没错,尼古拉·特斯拉确实说过:“如果你想探索宇宙的奥秘,就要从能量、频率和振动的角度去思考。” 这句话广泛引用于与特斯拉相关的书籍、文章和网站。
这句话的具体出处并不确定。一些消息来源将其归因于 1920 年对特斯拉的一次采访,另一些消息来源则声称它来自他的信件或演讲。根据不同的来源,这句话的确切措辞也略有不同。

P.S., Bard页面上的提示提到,Gemini Ultra明年早期会上线,集成了Gemini Ultra的Bard称为Bard Advanced.