








Back to work after lockdown

The harsh Shanghai lockdown has ended, so we can get back to work today. I arrived at the park where our company is located at about 9:00AM. When I drove in, a staff member in the park checked my health code on my smartphone, which green code means normal, and also checked the negative result of the PCR test which I took in 72 hours. I could see many cars already parked, it seemed the many companies in the park had restored business.

I went into the elevator, it took me a little while to think which floor button I had to press. You know I could press the right button with subconsciousness immediately before. The last date I went into the office was more than 70 days ago. Today I could be in the office again. A colleague was doing some cleaning in the office. ‘Any other creatures found in the office?’, I asked her. She knew I was kidding, and replied with a smile, ‘everything is ok.’

During the period of lockdown, all meetings were online. Today the company operation meeting could be held face to face. Plans and arrangements related to operation and business are high priority. Delayed business contracts must be signed ASAP, delayed invoices must be issued ASAP, delayed payments from the customers must be pushed ASAP. Cash flow is critical to company operation, It must be restored to normal ASAP.

Colleagues trickled in. No requirement for clocking-in in this month which is set to a period of transition to normal work. Hellos were said warmly among colleagues in the office. Some changes of body shape and personal style were talked about happily. A few young men changed their hair from long to short, and their hair cuts were all made by themselves in lockdown.

Actually nearly everyone was longing for normal work in lockdown. Today normal work is back, and everyone is now happily working. Summer has come, but cool air conditioning was shut down to prevent possible spread of COVID-19. It is hot in the office as well as the working atmosphere. Double hotness.

In lockdown everyone worked from home and worked hard. Deliveries of Important projects and services were kept in such a hard period. Great thanks to everyone.

Today is June 6th. In Chinese the number ‘6’ means smooth and successful. So wish the company a smooth and successful development, especially after such a hard lockdown which caused an unexpected pause of operation.


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