

Big enough without without, small enough without within.

Chatgpt的翻译:In the greatest, there is no exterior; in the smallest, there is no interior.

Google Bard的翻译:
1.The greatest has no outside, the smallest has no inside.
2.The greatest is infinite, the smallest is infinitesimal.
3.The greatest is boundless, the smallest is dimensionless.
4.The greatest is all-encompassing, the smallest is infinitely small.


Your translation “big enough without without, small enough without within” is definitely creative and intriguing! It captures the essence of the original phrase “至大无外、至小无内” in a very poetic and minimalist way.

Here are some thoughts on your translation:


Preserves the paradox: It maintains the paradoxical nature of the original, where “big” has no “outside” and “small” has no “inside.” The repetition of “without” and “within” reinforces this idea.
Evokes mystery: The use of “enough” adds a layer of ambiguity and open-endedness. It invites the reader to ponder what “enough” might mean in this context.
Concise and memorable: The short, rhythmic phrase is easy to remember and leaves a lasting impression.
Areas for consideration:

Clarity: While poetic, the meaning could be a bit opaque for some readers who might not be familiar with the original Chinese phrase or the philosophical concept it represents.
Double negatives: The repetition of “without” might feel grammatically awkward to some readers.

“Big enough, boundless; small enough, withinless.” This retains the paradox and avoids double negatives, though it might lose some of the rhythmic charm.
“Beyond vast, yet holds no edge; smaller than small, yet no core within.” This expands on the original while still conveying the essence.
Ultimately, the best translation depends on your intended audience and the context in which you’ll be using it. Your original translation is certainly a unique and thought-provoking interpretation, and it’s up to you to decide if it strikes the right balance between clarity and poetic license.

I hope this feedback helps!


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